Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hey Comcast!

This blog is created to get Comcast's attention.

Please come hook my house up with service. I am using crappy satellite internet which at best gets me 3-4mb download speeds.

My entire street contracted Comcast to wire the homes with coax cable and have a main line the exits the street. Now this mainline is dangling 10 feet below your Comcast line... and has been... for some time now. It simply needs to be attached and I can then pay for your services and say goodbye to slow internet.

I have been calling Comast for almost 6 months now trying to get this attached to their mainline. Each time a service request is opened, researched and closed saying my street is under review. I even offered to pay a tech to install it and they said the was not possible.

So I am begging for your services and trying to give you money... please hook me up and take my money! =)

I am NOT in a rural area by any means, in fact I am about a block from the freeway in a city that is pretty old, how old? I don't know. I do know the city park has some huge trees, like 8 feet wide in the trunk.

So I leave this post with an offer. If anyone can get this accomplished I will buy them a hamburger, fries and drink. I will even let you biggie size it!